Idaho Humanities Council
The Idaho Humanities Council (IHC) is a non-profit organization serving as the state-based partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). We are one of 56 state and jurisdictional humanities councils funded in part by the federal government through NEH's Federal/State Partnership Office.
The IHC is dedicated to serving Idaho citizens by promoting greater public awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the humanities. The Council accomplishes its mission by awarding grants to organizations statewide, and by working with organizations as partners to develop local humanities projects and programs, and by sponsoring its own Council-conducted programs, such as summer institutes in the humanities for K-12 teachers, library reading/discussion programs in small communities, traveling exhibitions from the Smithsonian Institution, a Humanities Speakers Bureau, Distinguished Humanities Lectures, and other projects and programs limited only by the imagination.
- 217 W. State Street
Boise, ID, 83702 -
(208) 345-5346
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