Daily, inspiring Black stories at your fingertips.
MediaMedia Outlets
In a world of 24/7 breaking news and neverending social media news feeds, it is easy to get caught in the moment – forgetting that many of society’s “new” challenges have actually been successfully overcome in the past. However, today’s current events do not exist in a vacuum.
So PushBlack was created as a unique space to focus on the intersection of news and history.
We update our audience on news most relevant to Black people worldwide, using a historical lens to give each story its proper context.
We identify the repetition of historical trends and share lessons from the past that people can use as they work to strengthen their community today.
With more than 9 million monthly readers, we’re working towards the goal of building the largest online community of Black Americans. Through daily communications on text and Facebook Messenger, we are literally putting power in the hands of the people. This has made us the premier mobile source of information and action for Black folks around the country. We push hard. We push forward. We PushBlack.