All Our Relations Snake River Campaign Portland
September 25, 2023
This two-week Indigenous-led campaign is bringing regional and national attention to the urgent need to recover Snake River salmon and uphold the federal government’s legally-binding commitments to Northwest Tribal Nations.
For millennia, salmon and the Snake and Columbia Rivers they call home sustained Indigenous peoples and cultures throughout the Northwest.
Today, salmon returns are dismal and many Northwest Tribal Nations are calling on the federal government to uphold their commitments and restore abundant salmon.
Show your support and join the All Our Relations Snake River Campaign in Portland, OR on Sept. 25!
September 25, 2023 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM -
Billy Frank Jr Conference Center at the Ecotrust Building | 721 NW Ninth Ave (Second floor)
Portland, OR, 97209
Get Directions -
Host Organization
Native Organizers Alliance (NOA) -
Native Organizers Alliance (NOA)
3518 S Edmunds St
Seattle, WA, 98118
The Native Organizers Alliance is a national Native organizing and training network.