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Becoming Justice: Rewriting the Racial Stories in our Bodies & Communities

January 13, 2024 - January 14, 2024

Becoming embodied justice practices invite participants to engage social and political questions related to human rights, equity, and inclusion in ways that center the body and process questions somatically. Using a variety of creative mediums, participants will cognitively and somatically explore the intersection of Art, Education, Race, and Equity. In community, we will share, collaborate, make, and reflect on creative praxis as it relates to expanding individual and organizational practices that heal historical and systemic wounds. How can we challenge prevailing cultural narratives about race through creative somatic praxis?

Workshop Goals:

  • Provide opportunities for artists and teachers to respond to questions about racial justice and equity as it relates to their work.
  • Explore creative applications of culturally responsive practices.
  • Unpack common terminology (race, racism, equity, bias, social identity, oppression, culture, cultural appropriation)
  • Provide resource materials to assist in further development of these skills
  • Build a foundation for further training and intentional conversations.
  • Understand that everyone has an active role to play in creating and sustaining an inclusive community.

Essential Question:

  • How can we challenge prevailing cultural narratives about race through our creative praxis?

Workshop Outline:

  • Race, Culture, & Art: What artists present and what they take away during interactions with their audiences?
  • How do we bring authentic questions about racial equity into our work? What impact will cultural awareness have on our practice? On our audience? On society?
  • Art as Mirror: Bringing Social & Cultural Relevance to our praxisEssential Question: How can we challenge prevailing cultural narratives about race through our creative praxis?

DAIPANbutoh Collective

Seattle, WA

DAIPANbutoh Collective’s mission is to bring stimulating, provocative, and exceptional performances, workshops, and forums to the diverse communities of the Northwest and beyond. Empowering local and global artists, we provide opportunities for national and international artists to work together in an environment for growth, creativity, and transformation.