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First Things First

December 8, 2023

Join Altared Roots for an enlightening in-person event at Wa Na Wari ! Discover the rich tradition of ancestor veneration in the Hoodoo community. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of connecting with our Ancestors and honoring their wisdom. This event will provide an immersion in the rituals, practices, and beliefs surrounding ancestor veneration. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners and expand your knowledge of Hoodoo traditions.

Over the course of the evening we will:

  • Discuss Hoodoo as the African American branch of West African Tradtional/Diasporic Tradition
  • Dive into the use of family history and genealogy to learn about our Ancestors
  • Detail the creation of altars and shrines to celebrate and commune with our Beloved Dead
  • Display our creative gifts and our love for our Dearly Departed by making remembrance zines
  • Dine and dance with friends new and old!

We ask that you bring a gift or offering to add to the communal Ancestor altar we will construct as part of the activities. You’re also welcome to include photos or other items that honor or symbolize your Folks, and that could go home with you.