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Orange Shirt Day Community Gathering & Indigenous Market

September 29, 2023 - September 30, 2023

Please join us and our partners @TlingitHaida, @GoldbeltHeritage @JuneauSchoolsFamilyEngagement, and #JuneauMontessoriSchool as our community gathers together to observe events for Orange Shirt Day 2023.

Orange Shirt Day is an annual International Day of Remembrance for the children removed from their families by the U.S. Indian Boarding School system’s forced assimilation policy. It is a time to honor those who returned home and mourn those who did not, a time for truth-speaking, and for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to heal as a community.

The Orange Shirt Day Gathering & Indigenous Pop-Up Market will be on Friday, September 29th, 5:00 – 8:00 PM at Harborview Elementary, and will be an evening of community connection and healing through cultural arts.

The Orange Shirt Day Mid-Morning Wave will be Saturday, September 30, from 9:00 – 11:00 AM at the Mendenhall Wetlands Turnout on Egan Highway (Near Sunny Point.) Community members are invited and encouraged to wear the color orange, wear their regalia, bring a drum, and bring banners and signs with loving messages of awareness. Coffee and donuts will be provided.

Haa Tóoch Lichéesh

Juneau, AK
(907) 586-4902

Cultivating the conditions for safety & healing on Lingít Aaní. (aka Juneau, Alaska)