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Sentymentalne Metamorfozy – Teatr Hybrydy

October 3, 2023

One of the oldest students-operated troupes in Poland will visit Seattle with their newest show “Sentymentalne Metamorfozy”.
This playful musical describes romantic relationship’s challanges in skits written by Julian Tuwin, Stefania Grodzieńska i Maria Hemara. Music selection includes classic Polish hits and songs written exclusively for the Teatr Hybrydy.

Polish Home Association

1714 18TH AVENUE
SEATTLE, WA, 98122
(206) 322-3020

The Polish Home Association was established in 1918. The Hall is a place for celebration, festivals, meals, meetings, and evolving into new generations. Today, as yesterday, it is a hub of activity and a place for people of Polish nationality and descent to come together and celebrate common ground.