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The Colonial Urge to Commodify the Climate Crisis: Unpacking False Solutions

October 26, 2023

Series Description:

Indigenous Climate Action is dedicated to raising awareness about the impacts of climate change on Indigenous communities and advocating for sustainable solutions that respect Indigenous sovereignty, knowledge, and cultural practices. As we navigate the complexities posed by this climate crisis, it is vital to address not only genuine solutions but also the false solutions that can perpetuate more environmental harm and social injustices. The aim of this webinar series is to facilitate open and informative discussions that shed light on various false solutions that are often presented as viable approaches to combat the climate crisis and counteract them with real, Indigenous-led solutions.

Part 1: Unpacking False Solutions

Panel highlighting false solutions with a short recap of UNFCCC COP27. This webinar discussion will cover questions like:

  • How can we begin to identify when a solution is false? What are false solutions?

  • How can false solutions impact Indigenous communities? How can we resist?

  • How are false solutions being presented at the UNFCCC COP? How might this impact communities?

  • Date/Time
    October 26, 2023 1:00 PM PT / 2:00 PM MT / 3:00 PM CT / 4:00 PM ET / 5:00 PM AT
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