In the midst of putting together this statement in response to the shootings in Atlanta, Georgia last week, the news of the shootings in Boulder, Colorado reached our small, Pacific Northwest office. Our hearts are heavy and weary of the hate, violence, and wounds that run deep in our country and our communities.
All of us at EchoX deeply believe in the power of connecting to one another, and the communities we live in. We stand against hate in all its forms and regardless of whom it targets.
In this moment we want to recognize the specific grief caused by the shootings in Atlanta—one of many hate crimes committed against Asian Americans in this past year. Eight people died, six of them Asian women, in three spas—all Asian-owned businesses. We stand in open-hearted solidarity with the Asian American community and, in particular, Asian-American women, whose struggles and issues have been historically minimized time and time again.
However, we want to be clear. This was not an anomaly. It is just the latest manifestation of the insidious legacies of racism and oppression that continuously hurt communities of color throughout the United States.
It is unfortunate that, by default, the common understanding of “American” has become “white, European.” It is crucial to remember that, besides our Indigenous relatives, we are all newcomers to this land. Throughout history, people from around the world have come to Turtle Island in search of a home that is safe and secure.
The legacy of white supremacy has used division tactics to maintain power across the world and pits communities against one another. In our work we commit to resisting these divisions, creating opportunities for cross-community connection, education, and celebration. In moments like this, our multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-racial staff and board remember the true calling and meaning of our work at EchoX, the vision which drew us together—a desire to create a community in harmony with its diversity.
In solidarity,
—EchoX Staff and Board
A Start
With this in mind, our staff compiled a short list of resources and calls to action to support our Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities and find healing. It is by no means comprehensive and is only meant as a starting point for further research and commitment to dismantle the divisive legacy of white supremacy.
General/Nationwide Resources
2) Asian Americans Advancing Justice
3) Anti-Asian Violence Resources
6) On Anti-Asian Hate Crimes: Who Is Our Real Enemy?
7) Bystander Intervention Trainings
Local, Pacific Northwest/ Seattle specific resources
8) Find a list of Asian American and Pacific Islander organizations in the Pacific Northwest region in our directory.
10) Asian Counseling and Referral Services
11) Densho – preserving the history and legacy of Japanese American incorrection
12) Chinese Information Services Center
13) A thorough list of resources from The Seattle Repertory Theater