American Turkish Academy of Washington (ATA-WA)

Cultural Programs,Youth Programs,Language Classes
Summary: ATA-WA Türkçe ve Türk kültürünü eğlenceli ve yaratıcı bir ortamda ögrenmek isteyen 4-12 yaş grubu aralıgındaki cocuklara hizmet veren ve kar amaclı olmayan bir eğitim kurumudur. ATA-WA is a non-profit educational institution serving 4-12 age group children who want to learn Turkish and Turkish culture in a fun and creative environment.
Mission: Misyonumuz American-Turkish Academy-WA olarak misyonumuz Seattle ve cevresinde yasayan Turk ve Amerikan cocuklarina Turkce ve laik Turk kulturunun degerlerini ogretirken gelecegin barisci ve uretken genclerini yetistirmek, farkli bireylerden olusan bir toplumun esitlikci degerleri ve demokrasinin kuresel uygulamalarini icsellestirmelerini saglamaktir. As American-Turkish Academy-WA, our mission is to train Turkish and American children living in Seattle and its surroundings while educating the values ​​of the Turkce and secular Turk culture, and improving the educational practices of a society made up of different individuals and the democratic values ​​of a society composed of different individuals.

Ögrencilerimizin Turkce ogrenirken ozguvenlerini ve cok kulturlu bir dunyada cogulcu degerler edinmelerini gelistirmek ve onlarin bilincli dunya vatandaslari ve gelecegin liderleri olarak hayata basariyla atilmalarini saglamaktir.

Our vision
To improve our students’ self-esteem and learners in a multi-cultural world while learning Turkish, and to ensure that they are successfully thrown into life as conscious world citizens and future leaders.


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