Bellingham Sister Cities Association (BSCA)

Cultural Exchanges,International Relations,Business Resources
Summary: The Bellingham Sister Cities Association is a community based organization providing opportunities for local residents to develop relationships and build a sense of community with the people of the world. We seek to promote intercultural understandings, economic and tourism ties, and world peace. This is accomplished through cultural and athletic exchanges, educational programs, and community events.
Mission: We seek to promote intercultural understandings, economic and tourism ties, and world peace. This is accomplished through cultural and athletic exchanges, educational programs, and community events.

In 1956, in an effort to lessen the chance of future world conflicts, President Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed a people-to-people program between the United States and other nations that would involve people and organized groups at all levels of society. The program was originally housed under the National League of Cities. This became Sister Cities International in 1967.

The Bellingham Sister Cities Association (BSCA) is a part of this international organization promoting “person-to-person” activities between countries around the world. Bellingham has four sister cities; all are port cities located around the Pacific Rim.

The B.S.C.A. is directed by a Mayor’s Sister Cities Advisory Board. The board assists with visiting delegations, finding homestays, and organizing events throughout the year. You can learn more about applying to be on the Sister Cities Advisory Board by visiting the City of Bellingham’s Boards & Commissions web page.

The BSCA is a non-profit organization which is funded solely by membership dues, business and individual support.

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