Chinese Baptist Church

Religious Services
5801 Beacon Ave S
Summary: CBC is a church with a rich history that spans over 120 years. We are a church that gathers corporately in the Big Church on Sundays and in the Small Church in smaller groups throughout the week. Discipleship happens at the Big Church Small Church.

At CBC, it’s simple, we are “Big Church Small Church making disciples.” The Big Church is our corporate gathering and the Small Church is our smaller group gatherings. The Small Church basically does the same things the Big Church does except the Big Church is led by Pastors and Small Church is led by lay Shepherds. Big Church Small Church makes disciples by helping our people to STAND (Serve one another, Train in the Word and prayer, Adore God in worship, Neighbor one another, Disciple unbelievers).  To us, Big Church Small Church is one in the same.  In order to fully experience CBC, we encourage people to commit to the Big Church Small Church.  Experiencing only the Big Church without experiencing the Small Church misses the point of CBC.

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