Hengda Dance Academy

Performing Art Organizations
815 S Weller St, Ste 107
Summary: 恒达舞蹈学院于一九九三年十一月在美国华盛顿州西雅图正式成立,它是美国西北地区第一所以教授中国舞蹈为主的艺术院校,目前主院址设在环境优美、地点便捷、佔地一万两千迟的表尔威及西雅图华埠。 The Hengda Dance Academy was formally established in November 1993 in Seattle, Washington, USA. It is the first art college in the Northwest that teaches Chinese dance. The main campus is currently located in a beautiful environment and convenient location.



Participants are mainly from Chinese, Korean, and American families in Greater Seattle and Tableway, as well as in Tacoma and Olympia. They are as young as four years old and as large as adults. The college’s training content includes Chinese classical dance, folk folk dance, ballet and representative Western dance and fitness training. There are different courses for different ages and levels.

Since 1995, the Academy has held a series of dance special evenings of “Dance of Dance” every year. It has launched 21 special evenings for large-scale students, 11 cooperation evenings with the Asian Performing Arts Theater in the United States, and more than 1,000 community and mainstream events. Social voluntary performances and invited performances. Among them, the school purposefully selected some outstanding plays, and planned to continuously advance the progress of the students to Gao Shuihuai, and regularly report the students’ results to all sectors of society. At present, the performance of a batch of students has gradually matured, and some have gradually moved to the professional stage, becoming the first Chinese dancers to grow up in the United States.

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