Mt. Hood Unida

Advocacy,Cultural Communities,Scholarships
Mission: Our goal is to empower Latinos to thrive through a variety of services and connections. We celebrate and support Latino histories, cultures, contributions and growth in our mountain community through outreach, education and events.

We offer a safe space for everyone to recognize, learn about and enjoy the many Latino contributions and cultures present on the mountain. This includes a series of educational events and cultural celebrations for children and adults. We also envision programs for parents and job-seekers and scholarships for local Latino youth. We believe, when everyone thrives, the community thrives. All are welcome to join us in this endeavor.
Damos la bienvenida a todos los miembros de la comunidad. Ofrecemos un espacio seguro para que todos reconozcan, aprendan de y disfruten las muchas contribuciones y culturas Latinas presentes en la montaña. Esto incluye una serie de eventos educativos y celebraciones culturales para niños y adultos. También imaginamos programas para padres y solicitantes de empleo y becas para jóvenes Latinos locales. Creemos que cuando todos prosperan, la comunidad prospera. Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros en este esfuerzo.

Help Amplify Northwest Cultural Voices

Be a part of our movement to share and celebrate the diverse stories of our ethnic communities

Our Northwest cultural communities have powerful stories to tell. Your support can help us amplify these voices. Donate $5 or $10 today and follow us to stay connected with the latest updates.


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Help Amplify Northwest Cultural Voices

Be a part of our movement to share and celebrate the diverse stories of our ethnic communities

Our Northwest cultural communities have powerful stories to tell. Your support can help us amplify these voices. Donate $5 or $10 today and follow us to stay connected with the latest updates.