Nestled amidst towering conifers, Pacific Bonsai Museum connects people to nature through the living art of bonsai.
One of only two museums in the United States solely dedicated to bonsai, and one of only a handful of bonsai museums worldwide, Pacific Bonsai Museum maintains a collection of 150 bonsai that are among the finest examples of bonsai anywhere in the world. The collection is also the most geographically diverse bonsai collection in the United States, with trees from Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the United States.
A grand outdoor setting with the elegance of a fine art museum, Pacific Bonsai Museum features sixty trees on exhibit at a given time, open to the public six days a week. This cultural gem offers contemporary and traditional bonsai exhibitions, group tours, education program, field trips, and public events.
Pacific Bonsai Museum is a World Bonsai Friendship Federation Cooperation Center. The WBFF seeks to raise awareness of the existence of public bonsai institutions and to strengthen the relationships among them by providing a network for support of bonsai through an active exchange of information and activities.