Samish Indian Tribe

Education Organizations,Youth Programs,Social & Health Services
2918 Commercial Ave.
Summary: We promote educational programs that foster the preservation of Samish culture and traditions and instill a desire for life long learning.
Mission: The Samish Indian Nation will enrich our membership by utilizing all resources, including the interests, talents, knowledge, and skills of our members to realize our vision of a strong, proud Tribe.

The Samish Indian Nation is governed by a seven member Tribal Council elected to oversee the welfare and resources of the Tribe; its constitution, economic development, policies, legislation, enrollment, and justice. A General Council, all voting age members, maintains active participation in both the governance responsibilities and cultural gatherings of the Tribe. Today the leaders of the Tribe move both in the traditional Samish ways and use the tools of the modern day world. The Tribe offers to its members a wide variety of opportunities such as:

Housing Assistance
Preschool and Head Start
Elders’ Services
Natural Resource Management & Protection
Health Care and Wellness
Social Services
Vocational Rehabilitation
Cultural Enrichment
Education Assistance
Preservation & Archives

The Samish work with state and federal agencies on several grants to protect the environment and preserve natural and cultural resources, as well as creating a sound economic base for our tribe and each individual family. The Samish are strong and committed people. We are committed to reestablishing our homelands, strengthening our tribal culture, demonstrating traditional stewardship of cultural and natural resources, and being a contributing force in the economic base of our region. In short, the Tribe is continuing in the ways of their ancestors, carrying forth the values and visions of a strong Samish Indian Nation.

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