Sephardic Bikur Holim (SBH)

Religious Services,Food,Youth Programs,Language Classes
6500 52nd Ave South
Summary: Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (SBH) is a warm and vibrant Jewish congregation in Seattle, Washington.

SBH was established in 1914 by Levantine Jews from western Turkey, many of whose grandchildren and great children still belong to the congregation. The community has maintained its distinct minhagim (traditions) as well as cultural practices that reflect the joyous approach to living that is distinctively Jewish while being connected to the broader world.

Like many Sephardic congregations, the community of SBH is religiously diverse – made up of families of all different kinds of observance and cultural affiliation. SBH embraces everyone and is constantly seeking opportunities to bring the community together around our shared values, holidays, and traditions.

Our deep connection to our heritage is manifested ritually through hazzanut, the knowledge and practice of our liturgy, which is unique even among Sephardic congregations. Culturally SBH is connected through language (Ladino), Turkish foods, a love of family and a deep respect for Torah. Bikur Holim means visiting the sick and taking care of the vulnerable and aging members of our community is a central part of our congregation’s values, passed down to children and grandchildren.

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