SCAR was started on May 13th, 2017 after an appeal was made to the Spokane Community when (earlier in the week) a white man was found not guilty of shooting a black man in the back after claiming self-defense. All 12 jury members were also white.
SCAR was formed out of necessity. In order to understand why harassment, assaults and shootings continue to happen in our community, we must understand how things work in the police department, the sheriff’s department, at the Spokane Regional Law and Justice Council and in the judicial system.
We have sub-committees dedicated to SRLJC accountability, racial justice education, book clubs, and public events and communications.
Please like our page, interact with our members on our group page, SCAR (Spokane Community Against Racism) and come to our meetings to help us with the valuable and important work needed to end racial disparities in Spokane!