4th Annual Brown Fatherhood Day 4

January 27, 2024, 11:00 am
12:00 am

The 4th Annual Brown Fatherhood Series is returning in January 2024 and this year, Latinx Parenting is going to further explore the intersections of fatherhood, colonization, and our shared struggle for liberation.
This year, the Brown Fatherhood Series will be hosted solely by Fernando Deveras, Latinx Parenting’s resident dad. In case you missed the series last January, he was one of the amazing panelists at our in-person Brown Fatherhood Series Panel.
Fernando officially joined the Latinx ParenTEAM this past summer, adding depth to the political dimensions of our work while supporting our Partnerships Department by working to build a local network of community partners who align with our mission to #EndChanclaCulture. When he’s not busy at Latinx Parenting, he spends time with his son, making educational videos about critical local and global issues on Instagram, and being a community organizer here in Santa Ana, CA.
In the past, we’ve focused on the diverse experiences of dads in the Latinx/Chicanx community. But in light of everything we’ve seen taking place in Palestine and the conversations that are happening online, we also decided to include non-Latinx fathers and sons with the intention of inviting different cultural perspectives and insights about culture, masculinity, parenting, and decolonization.
Each guest will join Fernando for an hour-long conversation where they’ll reflect on their personal experiences as fathers and sons and how they’re working to break cycles for themselves and their families. And, they’ll discuss how they’re reframing and reimagining masculinity in today’s society.

Latinx Parenting is looking forward to seeing each plática unfold and are excited to welcome Fernando as the series host this year! Please keep in mind each plática WILL be recorded and sent to your inbox afterward in case you can’t tune in/attend live. Once you register, you’ll receive weekly reminders and links for each conversation.

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