we are open this weekend! saturday is looking like a 40% chance of rain (as of now) please bundle up, grab an umbrella & keep the chance of rain in mind regarding your items
We have 300 vendor spaces every weekend, and we accept ALL types of vendors we are currently seeking out sellers of:
•oddities and curiosities (taxidermy, preserved bugs, dolls, tarot, etc)
•indigenous arts n crafts
•woodwork crafts
•vintage items (clothing, decor, furniture, houseware)
•food vendors who sell Asian, Ethiopian, Indian, vegan, Hawaiian, etc. ️
Keep in mind, this isn’t ALL we’re looking for- it’s just at the top of our list! We are first come, first serve but if you’d like to learn more- just head on over to our website and if you know anybody who’d be interested, share this with them- we’d greatly appreciate your help!