Idaho Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's Gran Fiesta Gala

November 10, 2023, 6:00 pm
12:00 am

You are invited to attend the Annual Grand Fiesta Gala and Small Business Awards of the Idaho Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Small business awards, entertainment, silent and live auction and all
to raise funds for future programs and education to continue to uplift our Hispanic community!

Help Amplify Northwest Cultural Voices

Be a part of our movement to share and celebrate the diverse stories of our ethnic communities

Our Northwest cultural communities have powerful stories to tell. Your support can help us amplify these voices. Donate $5 or $10 today and follow us to stay connected with the latest updates.

Jack's Urban Market Place, 1000 W Myrtle St

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Help Amplify Northwest Cultural Voices

Be a part of our movement to share and celebrate the diverse stories of our ethnic communities

Our Northwest cultural communities have powerful stories to tell. Your support can help us amplify these voices. Donate $5 or $10 today and follow us to stay connected with the latest updates.