Squaxin Island Museum Christmas Market

November 3, 2023, 9:00 am
November 4, 2023, 12:00 am
Join us for our annual Squaxin Museum Holiday Bazaar!
Find great holiday gifts for your checklist!
The Mud Bay Indian Shaker Church will offer Indian Tacos, and fried bread for sale.
Participate in our Museum raffle benefit table.
The Squaxin Elders building will be open to offer even MORE Vendors! Making TWO buildings of vendor space!
Please note cash may be required by vendors & that we don’t have an ATM on our campus.

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Be a part of our movement to share and celebrate the diverse stories of our ethnic communities

Our Northwest cultural communities have powerful stories to tell. Your support can help us amplify these voices. Donate $5 or $10 today and follow us to stay connected with the latest updates.

Squaxin Island Museum Library and Research Center, 150 SE K'Wuh-Deegs-Altxw

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Help Amplify Northwest Cultural Voices

Be a part of our movement to share and celebrate the diverse stories of our ethnic communities

Our Northwest cultural communities have powerful stories to tell. Your support can help us amplify these voices. Donate $5 or $10 today and follow us to stay connected with the latest updates.