Dayton Historical Depot Society
The Dayton Historical Depot Society is charged with maintaining two unique museums, as well as the Newland/Pioneer Cemetery.
- 222 E. Commercial Street
Dayton, WA, 99328 -
(509) 382-2026
The Dayton Historical Depot Society’s mission is to maintain and use its primary artifacts, the Depot building and the Boldman House, for the interpretation and education of local history. In keeping with their historical status, the Depot and the Boldman House will serve as resources for community use.
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The Dayton Historical Depot Society, formed in 1974 as a group of concerned citizens, worked to save Dayton’s Historic Depot. The following year, Union Pacific donated the Depot to the Society and work to restore the beautiful building began. The museum opened in 1981. In 1999, the Society’s responsibilities expanded when Gladys Boldman donated her estate and directed the Society to create an educational showplace. After many years of sorting, this second museum presents a unique view of one family’s 20th century collection.
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