Oshun Swim School
Oshun Swim School seeks to create an Afro-Indigenous centered experience of water and swim-skill acquisition. Through healing-centered and trauma-informed courses and workshops, OSS strives to build a safer space for BIPOC womxn and non-binary people to explore our relationship with water, and grow into embodied, joyful swimmers.
This work centers frontline communities who have been historically excluded from swim environments, yet who bear the brunt of the climate crisis, and for whom swim skills are most essential.
- Renton WaterBabies, 17110 116th Ave SE suite D
Renton, WA, 98058 - connect@oshunswimschool.com
(504) 930-8190
- https://www.oshunswimschool.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/people/Oshun-Swim-School/100036848247150/
- https://www.instagram.com/oshunswimschool/
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