Quinault Cultural Center and Museum

Museums & Cultural Centers
807 5th avenue, Taholah
Summary: The Quinault Cultural Center and Museum is a museum of culture in Taholah, Washington, owned and funded by the Quinault Indian Nation.[3] It contains artifacts, arts, and crafts of the Quinault, housed in a converted retail building.
Mission: Museum displays include baskets, carvings, and photographic archives from seven coastal tribes. There is a small gift shop with items for sale. Tours are welcome.

The Quinault Cultural Center and Museum is a museum of culture in Taholah, Washington, owned and funded by the Quinault Indian Nation. It contains artifacts, arts, and crafts of the Quinault, housed in a converted retail building. Some of the art forms have been influenced by Polynesian cultural motifs, brought home by World War II veterans. The museum received a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services in 2012 to conduct research, publish a guidebook.

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