
Sharing stories and experiences that highlight diverse narratives across community groups.

Community Voices

Category: Voices

The Impact of the Somali Diaspora — How have Somali immigrants transformed their new environments into homes that reflect their cultural heritage?

From DIGITIZE (by Aziya) – As my mother always says “Ninkii reerkiisa xasuusta, raad ma lumiyo” which translates to, ‘One who remembers their roots will never lose their way.’

Roots of Faith and Family

From DIGITIZE (by Seybane) – “Fatima,” Amina began hesitantly, “what does it mean to be Black and Muslim in America? I’ve been wondering about how our family’s story fits into something so vast.”

Fatima smiled knowingly, setting her cup down. “That’s a big question, little sister. But let’s start with the beginning — our roots.”

Somali Folktales

From DIGITIZE (by Bilal) – I have always wondered about the meaning of the stories of my culture. I have always had a strong desire to understand their importance and why they were so significant to talk about. These folktales scared me as a kid, but also created a curiosity in me. As I remembered those stories I started to understand that even though they used to scare me as a kid, they also guided me and helped me navigate the world and that’s how important my cultural stories are to me.

Somali Clothing

From DIGITIZE (by Khadija) – How did people in Somalia dress, and how did the way they dressed change over time? Let’s start from the beginning.

EchoX’s 2023 Story Gathering Sandbox

Read the pieces from EchoX’s inaugural 2023 Story Gathering Sandbox!


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