
Get involved with cultural resources in your community by exploring our collection of organizations, groups, and local artists.

South American

The mission is to maintain the tradition of our Capoeira Angola to cultivate generations of students, capoeira artist instructors, and future masters who will pass on the legacy. Our programs are dedicated to the cultivation and preservation of Grand Mestre Nô’s Capoeira Angola lineage in the State of Washington. Through a combination of traditional and modern movement pedagogies, we aim to motivate our vibrant and unique community of diverse, mindful, and supportive practitioners.
Show Brazil Productions is a family arts organization lead by co-founders Brazilian-American immigrants Eduardo and Ana Paula Mendonça with the goal of incorporate quality, experience and total commitment into every one of its projects to create more than satisfying results.
“Sonia Porras Dance Academy” inició sus actividades en la ciudad de Seattle, estado de Washington, en enero de 1994, bajo la dirección de la señora Sonia Porras de Niño de Guzmán, Pentacampeona Nacional-Mundial de Marinera y Profesora de danzas Peruanas con muchos años de experiencia, trayectoria artística y cultural a nivel mundial. Durante todos estos años, la Academia y su grupo de Danzas han desarrollado un trabajo artístico valiosísimo al mostrar con mucho orgullo el arte y la cultura de nuestro querido país.
Showing South American 21-29 of 29


Community Focus:

Directory Spotlight

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