How to use this directory of resources

Click on Browse/Filter to narrow your search by checking specific communities and services included in the EchoX community listings.

EchoX includes a steadily growing searchable database of organizations, groups, writers, artists and others organized by ethnicity, cultural focus, type of heritage work and/or type of community action. Check back often to see newly added listings!

Want to add yourself or a group to the EchoX community listing?
Community resource listings will grow organically as you and others are added! If you’re involved with community work related to EchoX themes – ethnic cultural heritage and social action – click ‘Sign Up’ in the upper right corner and add your own page to the Directory for free!

After clicking ‘Sign Up’ you will be taken to a form to fill out to create your account. Once you open your account, you’ll have ongoing access to an EchoX backend template where you may provide any information you want others to see. You can also add your own events to the calendar with details and artwork.

Send the EchoX link to your own supporters. Site visitors will learn more about you, your work and your events!


Browse using the links below, or Filter on any combination of Community Focus and Resources.

Community Focus




Gender & Sexuality

People with Disabilities







Health & Wellness



Essential Services

Business & Nonprofit Resources

The earth gave us life. We were born on a mountain. The earth gave us the elk. The earth gave us the plants and animals to eat. And, the earth gave us the cedar tree for everything else. The Clatsop-Nehalem People.

The Clatsop-Nehalem people share a strong attachment to our homeland on the northern Oregon coast, a strong interest in maintaining the vitality of our unique culture, and a strong commitment to the well-being of our elders, our children and our childrens children. Our Goals are to:

-Protect & Enhance Cultural Resources
-Foster Tribal Member Participation in Cultural and Other Local Events
-Increase Communications between the Tribe, its members, and our neighbors
-Host Tribal Events & Activities
-Strengthen Tribal Government
  • Health & Wellness
    Social & Health Services

Our Traditional Ways
  • We work cooperatively together for the good of All People.
  • All natural things are our brothers and sisters . . . they have things to teach us if we are aware and listen.
  • Our older children look after their younger brothers and sisters.
  • We honor the old ones for their wisdom. They are not cast aside, but continue to hold a place of honor in our families and communities.
  • We prize a good sense of humor . . . especially when directed at ones self.
  • We respect the visions of others.
  • People of old often return to whisper wise thoughts.
  • Our way is giving and sharing . . . if someone is greedy, they will lose everything in the end. We honor a person for what they’ve done for the people, not for what they’ve done for themselves.
  • Our Traditional Way is to feed and make strangers comfortable.
  • We have a proud heritage that continues to live and grow within us.