How to use this directory of resources

Click on Browse/Filter to narrow your search by checking specific communities and services included in the EchoX community listings.

EchoX includes a steadily growing searchable database of organizations, groups, writers, artists and others organized by ethnicity, cultural focus, type of heritage work and/or type of community action. Check back often to see newly added listings!

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Community resource listings will grow organically as you and others are added! If you’re involved with community work related to EchoX themes – ethnic cultural heritage and social action – click ‘Sign Up’ in the upper right corner and add your own page to the Directory for free!

After clicking ‘Sign Up’ you will be taken to a form to fill out to create your account. Once you open your account, you’ll have ongoing access to an EchoX backend template where you may provide any information you want others to see. You can also add your own events to the calendar with details and artwork.

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CARW educates, organizes, and mobilizes white people to show up powerfully for racial justice and collective liberation.

  • Advocacy

The Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites (CARW) is a collective of white organizers in Seattle and King County working to undo systemic racism in partnership with organizers of BIPOC-led movements.

Our work continues to take place in deep partnership with local organizers of BIPOC-led movements, and centers on educating and engaging white folks in struggles against racism and oppression. CARW is guided by our Points of Unity, which are intended as catalyzers of conversation, agitation, and liberation.

Our current structure includes the following:

  • Solidarity groups, which hold direct relationships and organize with BIPOC-led movements and organizations. These include Migrant Justice, Anti-Imperialism, Climate Justice, and a newly forming Abolition Solidarity Group. We are also still in close relationship with the Duwamish Solidarity group, which has recently transitioned out of CARW to become a multi-racial group.

  • Leadership teams, which serve key roles within the organization. These include Education, Fundshifting, and Member Engagement (MEComm).

  • Spokescouncil, which is our leadership and decision-making body and is made up of representatives from each of the solidarity groups and leadership teams.

And a large membership base of thousands of people who receive CARW communications and may participate in general actions and member meetings. As CARW members develop in their leadership and organizing skills, they have the option to move through increasing levels of responsibility and challenge from newcomer to leader, over time.