Ikoi no Kai
Beginning over 40 years ago as a lunch program for senior citizens, Ikoi no Kai has evolved into a program for the entire Nikkei community. The nourishing communal meal is the central activity of Ikoi no Kai with recreational and educational activities enhancing and enlivening the center’s spirit. We invite the participation of all age groups, adults and children alike. Ikoi no Kai offers not only Asian-themed meals but also provides a gathering place for the community to renew friendships as well as to make new friends.
Ikoi no Kai is sponsored by the Japanese Ancestral Society, a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to promote the cultural heritage and traditions of the Japanese American community through its multigenerational programs.
- 1333 SE 28th Ave
Portland , OR, 97214-2937 -
(503) 238-0775
- https://www.japaneseancestralsociety.org/ikoi-no-kai/?fbclid=IwAR2t6mvBJOVux44xeGGNgKyqsuAcWE8s5Blrr0NCTn5m6WdYVm4M8Ua8Eb8
- https://www.facebook.com/Ikoi-no-Kai-106185958633247
- https://www.instagram.com/ikoinokai/
CommunityCultural Communities
Food Sovereignty
Essential ServicesElderly Services