Jannus programs provide services in areas of community health, public policy and economic opportunity.
- 1607 W Jefferson St
Boise, ID, 83702 - info@jannus.org
(208) 336-5533
- http://www.jannus.org/
- https://www.facebook.com/MountainStatesGroup
EducationProfessional Development
Health & WellnessSocial & Health Services
Essential ServicesImmigrant & Refugee Services
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Jannus, Inc. changes lives everyday. For 40 years, Mountain States Group has served individuals and families to change their lives for the better. The legacy of those years is people who are healthier physically and mentally, children who gained a strong start in life with proper care and nutrition, entrepreneurs who created companies and jobs, and new Americans who were given the support they need to live productive lives here.
The one thing each of our programs have in common is assisting individuals and families in transition. Because this idea of helping people in transition is central to everything we do, we needed a name that reflects it. Jannus, a name derived from the god of transition in Roman mythology, will be our new name as we move forward.
A dedicated staff of over 130 works with an annual operating budget of nearly $14 million sponsoring over 20 programs.
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