How to use this directory of resources

Click on Browse/Filter to narrow your search by checking specific communities and services included in the EchoX community listings.

EchoX includes a steadily growing searchable database of organizations, groups, writers, artists and others organized by ethnicity, cultural focus, type of heritage work and/or type of community action. Check back often to see newly added listings!

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Community resource listings will grow organically as you and others are added! If you’re involved with community work related to EchoX themes – ethnic cultural heritage and social action – click ‘Sign Up’ in the upper right corner and add your own page to the Directory for free!

After clicking ‘Sign Up’ you will be taken to a form to fill out to create your account. Once you open your account, you’ll have ongoing access to an EchoX backend template where you may provide any information you want others to see. You can also add your own events to the calendar with details and artwork.

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Gender & Sexuality

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Essential Services

Business & Nonprofit Resources

The Nisqually people have lived in the watershed for thousands of years. According to legend, the Squalli-absch (ancestors of the modern Nisqually Indian Tribe), came north from the Great Basin, crossed the Cascade Mountain Range and erected their first village in a basin now known as Skate Creek, just outside the Nisqually River Watershed's southern boundary. Later, a major village would be located near the Mashel River.

The Nisqually have always been a fishing people. The salmon has not only been the mainstay of their diet, but the foundation of their culture as well. The Nisqually Tribe is the prime steward of the Nisqually River fisheries resources, and operate two fish hatcheries: one on Clear Creek and one on Kalama Creek.

The Nisqually Tribe’s mission is to perpetuate our home and our culture, by helping our people thrive. We administer a variety of programs to sustain the general welfare of the Nisqually people, as well as ensure the prosperity of future generations.
  • Education
    Youth Programs
  • Health & Wellness
    Mental Health Services
    Social & Health Services
  • Essential Services
    Elderly Services
    Tribal Services

The purpose of Tribal Administration is to ensure that tribal operations are effectively meeting the needs of the Nisqually Tribe and to provide direction for the overall daily Tribal administrative duties.

The Tribes administrative functions are overseen by a Chief Executive Officer who works directly under, and receives policy direction from, the Tribal Council. The CEO oversees each major tribal’s departments and programs through various Directors and Program Managers working within each area. The Tribes organizational structure and management system provide for strict separation of policy-making and management functions, and also provides for clear lines of authority within the organization.

•Community Services
•Financial Services
•Health Services
•Human Resources
•Information Technology
•Judicial Services
•Natural Resources
•Planning and Economic Development
•Public Safety
•Public Works
•Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO)

Community Services Provided:
•Community Services Administration
•Culture Program
•Early Childhood Disability Program
•Food Voucher Program
•General Assistance and Native Works
•Head Start
•Healthy Families
•Independent Living
•Indian Child Welfare (ICW)
•Tribe Assisting Native Families (TANF)
•Vocational Rehabilitation
•Youth Programs/Center