Pork Filled Productions
Pork Filled Productions is the theater offshoot of the long-running sketch comedy group, The Pork Filled Players. PFProductions grew from a desire to break stereotypes and challenge the expectations of Asian American theatre.
• Produce and develop genre plays
• Promote Asian American and POC artists
• Imagine fantastical, inclusive and FUN universes.
ExpressionArt Programs
Performing Art Organizations
Pork Filled Productions is the theater offshoot of the long-running sketch comedy group, The Pork Filled Players. PFProductions grew from a desire to break stereotypes and challenge the expectations of Asian American theatre.
After years of continually discussing and dissecting what it means to be an Asian American artist, the definition of “representation” began to shift from the narrow stories of “struggle” and “East meets West” culture clashes – to the more inclusive stories told by Asian Americans that reflect how diverse and varied our imaginations and creativity actually are.
By providing a nurturing space where Asian American theater artists are encouraged to share their stories, without being expected to tell “our” story, we aim to give our audiences a broader view of what is possible from Asian American playwrights and Asian American theater.