Slavic Languages and Literature
Students in our programs study the languages and cultures of Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union in a global context. They develop an exceptional understanding of a complex region recognized for its international influence.
- University of Washington - A-210 Padelford Hall, Box 354335
Seattle, WA, 98195 -
(206) 543-6848
EducationCollege Organizations
Education Organizations
LanguageLanguage Classes
In the most immediate future we see ourselves continuing our focus on the critical areas where we already have both departmental and institutional strengths: Literature, Film, Post-Soviet, Russian-Jewish, and General Cultural Studies (including Visual Arts, Gender, Ethnicity, Nationalism, Philosophy, and Religion), Synchronic, Historical, and Socio-Psychological Linguistics, as well as Cross-Cultural Communication. We intend to maintain offering a rich variety of Slavic languages together with several non-Slavic languages of the former Soviet republics and the former Soviet-bloc countries: Russian, Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian, Polish, Ukrainian, Slovenian.