Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
As the second-oldest civil rights organization in the state of Washington, ULMS is one of the region’s essential economic first responders, helping families cope with challenges through a variety of programs designed to support and encourage self-sufficiency in all aspects of life. ULMS also serves as a liaison between community members, local businesses, city and county government, and other service based organizations that share our concern for the welfare of the Black community and other disadvantaged residents in the Greater Puget Sound area.
- 105 14th Avenue, Suite 200
Seattle, WA, 98122 - info@urbanleague.org
(206) 461-3792
- https://www.urbanleague.org/
- https://www.facebook.com/seaurbanleague
- https://www.instagram.com/seaurbanleague/
The Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle was established in 1930 to become one of approximately 90 affiliates of the National Urban League (NUL). Today, ULMS implements its mission within our Seattle/King County service area through advocacy, direct programming, community outreach, and coalition building in five major pillars of focus: housing, education, workforce development, health and policy.