How to use this directory of resources

Click on Browse/Filter to narrow your search by checking specific communities and services included in the EchoX community listings.

EchoX includes a steadily growing searchable database of organizations, groups, writers, artists and others organized by ethnicity, cultural focus, type of heritage work and/or type of community action. Check back often to see newly added listings!

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Community resource listings will grow organically as you and others are added! If you’re involved with community work related to EchoX themes – ethnic cultural heritage and social action – click ‘Sign Up’ in the upper right corner and add your own page to the Directory for free!

After clicking ‘Sign Up’ you will be taken to a form to fill out to create your account. Once you open your account, you’ll have ongoing access to an EchoX backend template where you may provide any information you want others to see. You can also add your own events to the calendar with details and artwork.

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We are a collective of Seattle activists working to educate and inform our communities on the climate crisis. Our presentations connect global warming to the systems of oppression. We are focused on shifting the narrative of the climate movement to one that is beyond the superficial causes (fossil fuels) to the deeper injustices of the world by decolonizing our minds and our audiences’. We speak from our personal truths and share unique perspectives on demanding climate justice and collectively creating a new, just future for us all.

  • Advocacy
  • Education
    Education Organizations

Women of Color Speak Out is a collective of four climate justice, racial justice, gender justice and intersectional movement activists that came together in 2015 in Seattle during the ShellNo campaign. We formed this group out of a desire to create a space for women of color in a climate movement which, especially in Seattle, is dominated by white, cis men. We have a no-compromise stance and challenge and disrupt the status quo of white supremacy and patriarchy wherever we encounter it.

Our always-evolving presentation, called Climate Change and the Systems of Oppression, draws the connection between capitalism, racism, colonialism, patriarchy and climate change. In 10 months, we’ve done about 10 presentations — the public ones attended by around 200 people, and some private ones at universities, a women’s prison, a trans-gender community, among others. Our audiences have always responded with feeling deeply affected and ‘radicalized’ by our talks.

In the last few years, the mainstream climate movement in the Pacific Northwest has developed capacity for direct action, but is lacking the deep analysis of racial justice and intersectionality. We are seeking to transform our regional communities by doing the deeper work of decolonizing and confronting systemic oppression. To really tackle the crisis facing our communities, our deep rooted oppressions must be dismantled, and we need our white allies to develop that deeper analysis.

Our vision for the next few months is to also shift the narrative of this movement to beyond fossil fuel. We want to target animal agriculture, the military industrial complex and other deeper systemic issues that confront us.

If you would like to support our work, please email is at We appreciate your support and solidarity.